VMware Aria Automation 8.11.1 is Now Available

VMware released the latest update to the VMware Aria Suite, VMware Aria Automation 8.11.1, on February 21, 2023. This release focuses primarily on customized notifications in Service Broker, CPU/Storage capacity enhancements, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) improvements, minor product enhancements, and bug fixes.

This post is broken into the following sections:

What’s New

What’s New in Aria Automation 8.11.1

  • SaltStack Day2 Action Enhancements – You can now configure additionalAuthParams, additionalMinionParams, and pillarEnvironment properties to SaltStack Day-2 action Attach SaltStack Resource. Learn more.

  • Terraform 1.0 Support – The VMware Aria Automation Terraform Service and accompanying Terraform provider now supports Terraform 1.0. This allows VMware Aria Automation customers the ability to consume Terraform 1.0.

  • Customized notifications in Service Broker – You can now customize the look and feel of notification emails sent out from VMware Aria Automation Service Broker. The email header and footer can be standardized to your organization’s branding requirements across all notification templates. For each notification scenario, you can now edit the email’s body text and utilize dynamic attributes of deployments in the text. Learn more.

    Screenshot of the new email customization form in Aria Automation Service Broker

  • Storage Allocation Limits – You can now specify a maximum storage allocation at the datastore level for all managed Disks. During provisioning, these properties are checked for placements to prevent storage overallocation. This is controlled by a feature toggle PREVENT_COMPUTE_STORAGE_OVERALLOCATION that is turned off by default. Learn more.

  • Provision GCP TCP Load Balancers and perform Day 2 actions – You can now provision GCP TCP Load Balancers, modify their properties, and set up health checks for the load balancers from Aria Automation. Learn more.

    Screenshow of Cloud Template containing GCP Load Balancers

  • Provision GCP storage bucket resources – Aria Automation now supports GCP storage buckets that allow users to easily create and manage their storage buckets. This includes the creation of multi-regional/dual-regional buckets, restricted public access, and encryption support. Learn more.

    Screenshot of Cloud Template containing a GCP Storage Bucket Resource

  • Deprecation of an Identity Service endpoint in Aria Automation – Starting with this release, the POST /am/idp/auth/login endpoint is being deprecated; however, the POST /csp/gateway/am/api/login endpoint performs the same operation. For more information on this endpoint, refer to the API Programming Guide. To access all Swagger specifications from a single landing page, go to https://\<FQDN\>/automation-ui/api-docs where FQDN is the FQDN of your VMware Aria Automation appliance.

    To prevent any scripts from breaking once the deprecated endpoint is removed after a few releases, perform this update:

    Any automation that uses POST /am/idp/auth/login endpoint will have to be reworked to use the POST /csp/gateway/am/api/login endpoint.

What’s New Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.11.1

  • Maintenance and Bug Fixes – VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.11.1 focuses on maintenance and bug fixes.

API Changes

API Changes in Aria Automation 8.11.1

There were no API changes in this release.

Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues in Aria Automation 8.11.1

  • Enhance Identity service (on-prem) endpoint to have more restrictive access - Some endpoints from the VMware Aria Automation Identity API can now be accessed only by users with the Organization Owner role. It is recommended to review if the users accessing those endpoints have Organization Owner role.
  • Pushing an object using the Version button results in all local changes being pushed - Whenever you have an integrated active remote Git repository and you attempt to push either a single content object using the Version button, or a subset of your available Local changes , more than the expected number of selected items could be pushed to the remote Git repository. This issue would occur after a Remote Branch change or after switching between active repositories.
  • When deployments with missing resources are deleted, those resources are still displayed as missing - When deployments with all missing resources are deleted, those resources are orphaned and still show in the UI as missing. These orphaned resources can no longer be removed from VMware Aria Automation.
  • External Aria Automation Orchestrator fails to start after changing the Aria Automation certificate - In VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator server version 8.10.2, if the system property com.vmware.o11n.certPathValidator is enabled, VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator is configured to use an external VMware Aria Automation as the authentication provider, and VMware Aria Automation certificates are replaced with a certificate from the same Certificate Authority, then VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator UI throws a 404 error in the browser. For more info on this property, refer to Enabling the Certificate Path Validation Algorithm
  • Composite types are not visible as input parameters when adding new input type in a workflow or day 2 actions - CompositeTypes that are declared only as part of Arrays ( e.g. Array/CompositeType(name:string,grade:number):Student) will now be indexed and available for use in the type selectors across browser tabs and instances.

Resolved Issues  in Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.11.1

  • Composite types are not available as input parameters when adding a new input type in a workflow or day 2 actions - Previously, composite types were unavailable as input types for workflows or day 2 actions. Composite types declared only as part of Arrays, such as Array/CompositeType(name:string,grade:number):Student, are now indexed and available for use in the type selectors across browser tabs and instances.
  • User receives a stack overflow error during the garbage collection of the Version History repository – VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator performs a nightly garbage collection process for the content included under the Version History repository. During this process, you can receive a stack overflow error which causes the repository to become non-functional. The issue was resolved by doubling the running stack memory size of the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Appliance server.

Additional Information

Additional information on Aria Automation 8.11.1 can be found at the following links:

See Also


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